Time Machine 备份失败,报错『拷贝文件时出错。可能是暂时性问题。如果问题仍然存在,请使用“磁盘工具”来修复您的备份磁盘。』的解决方案。
这是一个非常头疼、困扰我一周的问题,Time Machine 总是在同一个备份节点显示『拷贝文件出错』后退出。我一开始根据提示认为可能是硬盘出现了问题,但是检测过后总是显示正常;后来我又猜测是上一次备份出现了问题导致本次备份出错(尽管我记得上一次备份一切正常完全是按照正常流程来的),删除上一次备份文件从头开始还是同样的问题;最后我基本确认应该是系统快照中存在某个文件出现问题导致备份失败,所以无奈之下想用原有的备份从 Time Machine 来恢复系统,但是担心如果问题文件仍然存在于上一次的 snapshot 中那到时候不仅问题没解决甚至连退回当前的状态都不可能了。所以在 Apple Discussion Forum 找到了一个快速定位问题文件的办法,贴于此处。
1. Open Console (Spotlight Search can quickly open this)2. Click your computer under devices. Typically says "NameMacbookPro"3. In the search bar type "backupd" without the quotes4. Run TM backup and let the error occur5. In Console, look for the an error that looks something like this: Error: (-8062) SrcErr:NO Copying /Users/NAME/Library...this is the corrupt file that caused my TM error.6. Locate the file in the location given in console and either delete or backup separately (drag and drop somewhere).7. Re-run TM and the it should complete the backup
1. search for "backup" rather than "backupd". This may show a few more messages.2. after step 4, select the first console message of the start of that Backup. Then delete the search string so that you can see ALL messages from that point, and look again (starting at the line you selected) for that error message.